Minister of Agriculture launches the construction of a wholesale fish market in the Bensouda neighborhood of Fez +(Photos)

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forestry, Mr. Mohamed Siddiqui, launched on Saturday in Fez the construction of a new fish wholesale market at a total cost of 50 million dirhams.

The construction of the Fès fish wholesale market, located in the Bensouda industrial zone, is part of Aliotis’ strategy aimed at strengthening the network of wholesale fish markets across the Kingdom, Mr. Seddiqi said in a press statement on the occasion.

Describing this project as “very important” for the region, Mr. Seddiqi expressed the importance of establishing this new infrastructure on a total area of two hectares, including a covered area of about 3,800 square meters.

The market will include a space for the display and sale of fishing products, identification and disposal areas, refrigeration equipment with cold rooms for preserving products, socio-social facilities, a bridge scale, administrative and technical facilities, as well as truck and car parking lots and outdoor equipment.

This project aims to contribute to the establishment of a modern distribution network that guarantees the best conditions of quality, hygiene and safety. It also aims to provide the city of Fez with a modern infrastructure that guarantees the availability of fish on a regular basis, and to increase fish consumption at the level of the region through an appropriate distribution structure that meets quality standards.

The establishment of the wholesale fish market in Fez is the result of a partnership agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forestry, the Fez City Council, the Fez Community Council and the National Fisheries Office.

Source : Fez News Media

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