“Marginalization” and “revisionism”. Opposition teams reveal the backgrounds behind the withdrawal from the weekly parliamentary session

The opposition teams in the House of Representatives, consisting of the Socialist-Federal Opposition Team, the Harkis Team, the Progress and Socialism Team, and the Justice and Development Parliamentary Group, announced their decision to withdraw from the weekly parliamentary session on Monday, July 08, 2024, which was dedicated to oral questions, as a protest against the government’s failure to respond to their requests to participate in the discussion of the developments of the medical and pharmacy exams, whether in the urgent or general aspects.

The teams and the opposition parliamentary group explained that this decision reflects their basic positions on the role of the legislative institution, as they seek to make it a space for constructive and responsible public debate between the legislative authority and the executive authority, in accordance with the principle of cooperation and balance stipulated in the constitution and the rules of procedure of the parliament.

The opposition stressed that it had submitted several requests on previous occasions to speak on public and urgent issues, but it faced a refusal by the council office to refer these requests to the government, and praised the referral of the requests of members of the majority and opposition in the previous session, which related to medical exams, to the end of the oral question session on July 08, 2024, but was surprised by the government’s response and lack of readiness to deal with these requests, in addition to the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation being unaware of this programmed schedule.

The statement also emphasized the continued absence of ministers from the oral question sessions, as only four ministers from the sector programmed for the session attended, while five others were absent.

The statement concluded by reiterating the opposition’s rejection of any violation of the constitutional and statutory requirements governing the relationship between parliament and the government, especially with regard to oversight and constructive interaction, stressing the need to respect its rights to exercise its political and institutional roles.

Source : Fez News Media

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