A Collaborative Dialogue to Boost Development and Investment in Moulay Yacoub Province

In the wake of a communication meeting held yesterday at the headquarters of the Moulay Yacoub Province Prefecture, Mr. Jawad Douahi, President of the Provincial Council, praised the efforts of the Wali of the Fes-Meknes Region and the Governor of Moulay Yacoub Province in supporting investment and promoting development projects in the area.

The meeting, attended by local officials, representatives of territorial communities, and young investors, provided a platform to exchange perspectives on enhancing the investment climate and overcoming challenges faced by entrepreneurs. In his speech, Mr. Douahi highlighted that the presentations and interventions by both the Wali and the Governor conveyed clear messages reflecting a strong commitment to advancing the economic and social development of the province.

He emphasized that the discussions during the meeting focused on identifying key issues, avoiding past mistakes, and working with a renewed spirit that prioritizes the interests of the province and its residents. Mr. Douahi also commended the proactive engagement of the Wali and the Governor in addressing the observations and suggestions made by community representatives and investors, considering it a testament to their dedication to achieving comprehensive and sustainable development.

This meeting is part of a series of communication sessions aimed at fostering dialogue and consultation among various local stakeholders, aligning development priorities with the royal directives and the national development policies.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader