Digital Morocco 2030: A promising vision for technological transformation and these are the highlights of the strategy

The ‘Digital Morocco 2030’ strategy represents a cutting-edge strategic path that aims to achieve significant progress in the field of technology and the digital economy. This strategy is centred around several key points:

Digitisation of public services: The aim is to digitise government services to make them more accessible and improve the user experience.

Regional cooperation: Morocco seeks to strengthen cooperation with African entrepreneurs on different continents, with the aim of exchanging knowledge and encouraging innovation.

New dynamism in the digital economy: By strengthening technical infrastructure and developing the telecommunications sector, Morocco aims to create high added value in the digital economy.

Achieving technological financial inclusion: The Moroccan government is endeavouring to introduce technological solutions that promote financial inclusion and make financial services more accessible to all.

Signing agreements with leading international companies: This reflects Morocco’s commitment to strengthening international cooperation and attracting investments and modern technology.

In short, the ‘Digital Morocco 2030’ strategy aims to achieve a comprehensive transformation of the technological infrastructure, foster innovation, create jobs, and promote the digital economy in general.

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