Moroccan Researchers Awarded Excellence Prize for Scientific Research in Human Rights

The Moroccan capital, Rabat, witnessed a notable scientific event on Wednesday evening with the awarding of the Excellence Prize for Scientific Research in Human Rights in its first edition, jointly to two distinguished Moroccan researchers.

The prize winners are:

  1. Dr. Rachid El Aji, General Inspector of Prisons at the Ras El Ma Local Prison in Fez, for his doctoral thesis titled: “The Policy of Reintegrating Prisoners in Extremism and Terrorism Cases in Morocco in Light of International and National Standards – A Comparative Socio-Legal Study”.
  2. Dr. El Arbi Thabit, former Secretary-General of the Moroccan League for the Defense of Human Rights, for his thesis titled: “The Criminal Law of the Enemy: From Theory to Anti-Terrorism Laws”.

The winning theses were distinguished by their treatment of a sensitive topic combining legal study and human rights, shedding light on the legal issues related to combating terrorism from a legal and human rights perspective.

The prize was organized by the Ministerial Delegation for Human Rights in partnership with the Faculty of Law in Agdal, and the award ceremony was attended by prominent figures in the fields of law and human rights. The prize was presented to the winning researchers by:

  • Mr. Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Integration, Small Business, Employment, and Skills
  • Mr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation
  • Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice
  • Mrs. Amina Bouayach, President of the National Human Rights Council

The organizers aspire in future editions to expand the scope of the prize to include research conducted by Moroccans worldwide and researchers from the African continent and the Arab region, reflecting the desire to enhance scientific exchange and encourage research in the field of human rights on a broader scale.

About محمد الفاسي