New Calls for Collective Migration Attempt to Ceuta After Previous Failure

Following the failure of the “mass escape” attempt to Ceuta on September 15, new calls are emerging on social media to repeat the attempt on September 30.

These attempts are no longer secretive as they once were; instead, they are now public and driven by widespread engagement among youth, particularly minors, from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and other countries.

This phenomenon has raised numerous questions about the reasons behind the unprecedented wave of migration affecting the region and whether it signals a collective despair among young people seeking a better life across borders.

Among the reasons cited for these public attempts are the harsh economic conditions and rising unemployment, along with social factors pushing these youths to view migration as their only viable option.

Moroccan authorities had previously thwarted the attempt through extensive security reinforcements in Fnideq and surrounding areas near the occupied Ceuta enclave, and arrested many participants, including minors of various nationalities.

As the new date approaches, concerns are growing about a possible repetition of the situation, with calls from civil society and politicians to address the root causes of the issue and provide sustainable solutions for youth rather than resorting to illegal migration.

source: fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader