The Sharia and Legal Sciences Laboratory, in coordination with the College of Sharia, organizes a scientific lecture on artificial intelligence and its challenges

The Laboratory of Sharia and Legal Sciences and Issues of the Age – Fundamentals and Downloads, in coordination with the administration of the Faculty of Sharia in Fez, will organize a scientific lecture entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Challenges of Scientific Research in Sharia and Legal Sciences” on Friday.

The lecture will be held at the Dr. Mohammed Youssef Amphitheater at the Faculty of Sharia in Fez, starting at 5:00 pm.

The lecture will be moderated by Dr. Jamal Ahmed Yacoub Kamal, Secretary General of the Arab Union for Sustainable Development in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in coordination with Dr. Mohamed Ghazioul, Research Professor at the Faculty of Sharia at Sidi Maham Ben Abdallah University, Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Sharia and Legal Sciences and Issues of the Age – Tradition and Downloading and Head of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.

This meeting aims to shed light on the opportunities and challenges of applying artificial intelligence in the field of Sharia and legal sciences.

Source : Fez News Media

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