In front of the office of the governor of the Fes Meknes region / Massawi fans stick to their demand for the departure of Ismail Jamei + (video)

The “Loyal Masawis” group organized an important peaceful protest today in front of the governorate of the Fes Meknes region on Rue Allal Ben Abdallah.

This step comes as part of a series of ongoing struggles to correct the disastrous conditions suffered by the team, and to express their rejection of the corruption and bad practices that have plunged the team into successive crises.

The group called on all segments of the Massawi public to come in large numbers and rally behind this important initiative, wearing black as a symbol of grief over the team’s situation, and stressed the need to abide by the instructions of the members and maintain order, respect and discipline in the public street, to ensure that the stand passes peacefully and that the participants leave peacefully.

The move comes as part of the public’s sincere efforts to press for the removal of all symbols of corruption that have caused the team’s decline, headed by the infamous Sisi. The vigil is expected to be attended by a large number of fans and supporters, emphasizing their unity and their strong desire to bring about the desired change.

Details of the vigil:

  • Date: Today
  • Time: 6:30 p.m.
  • Place: in front of the Fes Meknes Governorate on Rue Allal Ben Abdallah

Efforts continue to be made by the Massawi public to achieve their legitimate goals in improving the conditions of the team, and this vigil is expected to be a decisive step in the course of their struggle to achieve the desired change and reform.

Source : Fez News Media

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