The local chapter of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) in the Sais district of Fes issued a statement last Wednesday addressing several developmental and service-related concerns affecting the residents of the area. The statement highlighted the party’s ongoing monitoring of urban development projects, which are part of Fes’ preparations to host international sporting events. While acknowledging the positive momentum aimed at improving infrastructure, the PJD criticized the lack of oversight by current council representatives, describing it as a breach of the principles of autonomous governance and a weakening of elected councils.
The statement emphasized the need to go beyond infrastructure development by fostering citizen awareness and engagement. It criticized the decline in cultural and developmental activities once organized by previous councils under the PJD’s leadership, such as the annual civil society forum, Ramadan events, and environmental and health initiatives, which have ceased without any new alternatives or initiatives.
The party also expressed concern over the absence of new projects to build neighborhood sports facilities and highlighted the neglect of existing facilities. Specifically, it pointed to the covered sports hall in the Ouinat Al-Hajaj neighborhood, which has fallen into disrepair and become a hotspot for vandalism and looting due to a lack of maintenance and security. The PJD called for an urgent investigation to hold those responsible for the mismanagement of public funds allocated to this facility accountable.
Regarding waste management services, the statement noted a significant decline in service quality in the Sais district, citing mismanagement and a lack of participatory planning that addresses the diverse needs of neighborhoods. It also criticized the disparity between the current state of services and the increased cost of outsourced waste management contracts.
The statement concluded with a call for serious attention to these issues and the implementation of tangible solutions. It reaffirmed the PJD’s commitment to advocating for these matters through all legal avenues to meet the aspirations of the Sais district residents.
source : fesnews media