Taounate Municipality Enhances Environmental Services with Two New Small Trucks for Waste Collection

As part of efforts to improve environmental services, the municipality of Taounate has announced the addition of two small trucks to its waste collection fleet. This move aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of operations in this vital sector.

The initiative has been funded by the Ministry of the Interior as part of the Capacity Building Support Program, highlighting the importance of collaboration between local and regional institutions to provide sustainable solutions that meet the needs of citizens.

This decision follows the success of a previous purchase of a similar truck, which proved effective in facilitating waste collection in hard-to-reach areas. The new trucks are notable for their ability to access narrow streets, particularly in old neighborhoods where traditional construction makes movement difficult.

Additionally, these trucks offer significant fuel savings and lower maintenance costs, which will help ease the financial burden on the municipality’s budget.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader