Sources: “The government decides to replace the Million Wallets Initiative with direct grants to poor families”

It has been learned from multiple sources that the government is preparing to replace the “One Million Wallets” initiative with an initiative to provide direct financial support to needy families, through the disbursement of additional amounts at each start of the school year, which were previously allocated within the royal initiative “One Million Wallets.” The measure aims to enhance the quality of services provided and improve the management of financial resources.

According to the new draft decree on the direct social support system, sources confirm that this measure aims to enhance the quality of services provided and improve the management of public financial resources, by unifying support programs to achieve common goals.

In his speech during the opening of parliament in October 2023, King Mohammed VI emphasized the importance of achieving efficiency and sustainability in current social support programs.

The project involves providing specific financial assistance to beneficiary families, including alleviating the costs of school entry, including the purchase of books and school supplies, with the aim of reducing the school dropout rate and boosting schooling rates.

The details of the project include giving 200 dirhams to families with children enrolled in primary or preparatory education, and 300 dirhams for families with children in secondary education, and this amount is disbursed once a year in September.

Source: Fes News Media

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