Residents of the "Frakna" roundabout organize a protest march to demand an end to their isolation + (Video)
Residents of the "Frakna" roundabout organize a protest march to demand an end to their isolation + (Video)

Residents of the “Frakna” roundabout organize a protest march to demand an end to their isolation + (Video)

According to local sources, this week, the residents of the “Frakna” roundabout organized a protest march on foot to the village of Ba Mohammed to demand the lifting of the isolation of their area by completing the paving of a road section no more than 3 kilometers long.

During the march, the protesters chanted loud slogans, emphasizing the need to make their voice heard. They pointed to a document presented to them as proof of the existence of a request for proposals for the construction of the road section linking Regional Road 501 and the Frakna Oulad Kacem roundabout via the Hawafez roundabout, in addition to the road path linking the Bab Arisha roundabout and the Kolda roundabout.

The residents of the area expressed their dissatisfaction with the current situation, saying that “the road is unusable, and the repairs promised by officials have not been implemented despite repeated calls from the residents,” and expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of response from the competent authorities in the region.

The affected people demanded that those responsible for managing local affairs, including the head of the community and the governor of Taounate, who is known for his continuous services, should take their suffering into consideration, and stressed the importance of seriously considering the content of their demands and giving orders to the supervisors of the repair and restoration operations to complete the work and prepare the road.

This march comes at a time when the region needs effective support to improve infrastructure, which directly affects the lives of residents and enhances development opportunities in the region.

Source : Fes News Media

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