Residents of the “Boderham” neighborhood in Sefrou region are unhappy because of a random dumping ground

Earlier this week, it was learned from several local sources that the residents of the “Boudrehm” neighborhood in the province of Sefrou are living in a state of discontent due to the presence of an illegal waste dump near several residential communities in the mentioned area.

The sources added that this situation is especially aggravated by the high temperatures, as the unpleasant odors and health issues associated with the accumulation of waste increase.

The residents complain about the impact of this dump on their health and safety, which calls for the intervention of the responsible authorities to put an end to this phenomenon that harms citizens and pollutes the environment.

The residents are calling on the competent authorities to find sustainable solutions for waste disposal.

Earlier, the residents of the “Boudrehm” neighborhood in the Sefrou region had previously organized a protest against the foul odors emanating from the landfill near their homes, coinciding with the high temperatures, which exacerbate the smoke and odors emanating from the landfill.

Source: Fes News Media

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