Parties, unions and human rights organizations in Aba Mohammed village call for urgent intervention to end the strike of the unemployed in Taounate region

Political parties, unions and human rights associations in the village of Aba Amhamed, Taounate region, called on local and regional authorities to intervene immediately to end the hunger strike of the unemployed, which has entered its second week.

In a joint statement, the organizations emphasized that the continuation of the strike threatens the lives of the strikers and carries serious social repercussions.

The statement called on the heads of local communities, representatives of the population in parliament and government officials to take urgent action to find radical solutions to the issue of unemployment suffered by young people in the region.

The statement noted that the unemployed are demanding their legitimate right to work, stressing that they are ready to negotiate with the authorities to reach a solution that satisfies all parties.

On the other hand, many families expressed their deep concern for the lives of their striking sons, calling on the authorities to assume their responsibilities to end this catastrophic humanitarian situation.

Source : Fes News Media

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