Moroccan Ministry of Interior Holds Important Meeting on the 25th Anniversary of King Mohammed VI’s Accession to the Throne

On Thursday in Tetouan, Moroccan Minister of Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, held a working meeting with Walis, governors, and officials from the territorial administration and central services of the Ministry of Interior. This meeting took place as part of the Moroccan people’s celebrations of the 25th anniversary of King Mohammed VI’s accession to the throne of his glorious ancestors.

According to a statement from the ministry, the meeting was attended by prominent security and military leaders, including the Commander of the Royal Gendarmerie and the Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance.

Participants praised the royal directives contained in the Throne Speech on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the King’s accession, expressing their deep appreciation for the enlightened royal vision that has characterized public affairs management in recent years, making the Kingdom a model to follow on political, security, economic, social, and cultural levels.

In the context of recent developments related to the Sahara issue, the Ministry of Interior emphasized the need for greater commitment from all actors, especially Walis and governors, to play their full role in stimulating development programs and framing the work of territorial communities.

The meeting also stressed the importance of redoubling efforts to ensure the success of the social state project as a major royal project being implemented according to a clear and integrated vision.

Participants discussed the implementation of various strategic public policies such as “water stress,” “advanced regionalization,” “administrative deconcentration,” “the National Initiative for Human Development,” and “management of Soulaliyate lands.”

Regarding the general census of population and housing scheduled for next month, the Interior Ministry services expressed their full readiness to continue managing the upcoming stages with the required efficiency.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Minister of Interior renewed his firm commitment and permanent mobilization behind King Mohammed VI to serve the nation and citizens, reaffirming his unwavering loyalty to the glorious Alawite throne, his constant fidelity to the King, and his dedication to defending the constants of the Ummah and its sacred values.

About محمد الفاسي