Moroccan Security Agencies Face Smear Campaigns Despite International Achievements

In a notable development in Morocco’s security landscape, Moroccan security agencies are facing an organized smear campaign targeting their leadership, according to informed sources. This campaign comes at a time when these agencies are receiving widespread international recognition for their efforts in combating terrorism and organized crime.

Information suggests that this campaign is a reaction to the successive successes of Moroccan security agencies in thwarting plots aimed at destabilizing the country. Sources have indicated that this campaign is supported by entities hostile to Morocco’s territorial integrity.

Despite these campaigns, Moroccan security agencies enjoy significant public trust. A 2023 Arab Barometer opinion poll showed that 80% of Moroccans trust their security agencies.

Internationally, Moroccan security agencies have achieved remarkable accomplishments. The French Intelligence Research Center ranked them among the world’s best intelligence agencies in November 2022. They have also contributed to foiling several terrorist operations in European countries and elsewhere.

These efforts have been crowned with numerous international honors, including the awarding of the “Grand Cross” to Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security, by Spain, and the Gold Medal of Honor from the French National Police.

Morocco has also gained international trust, evidenced by its selection to host the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism and Training in Africa, and its presidency of the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

In conclusion, sources affirmed that these smear campaigns will not affect the determination of Moroccan security agencies to continue their efforts in protecting the security and stability of the kingdom.

About محمد الفاسي