Moroccans Participate in the Russian-Ukrainian War on Both Sides

More than two years after the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine on February 24, 2022, battles continue without a clear end in sight to the conflict that has claimed the lives of many military personnel and civilians.

Alongside citizens of the warring countries, foreign fighters are participating in this conflict, including Moroccan citizens on both sides.

On the Ukrainian side, concordant sources told “H24Info” that Moroccans holding Ukrainian citizenship have been conscripted for mandatory military service imposed by Kyiv under the mobilization law that came into effect on May 18. This law aims to recruit hundreds of thousands of additional soldiers to maintain their positions against Russian forces.

It should be noted that these Moroccans are considered only Ukrainian in the eyes of Ukrainian law, as Ukraine does not recognize dual citizenship. In case of refusal to enlist, defaulters face penalties that may include imprisonment or freezing of their bank assets.

On the Russian side, British national Ben Stimson, who has been involved with pro-Russian forces in Ukraine since 2015, revealed the presence of Moroccan fighters in the Russian army ranks. Stimson posted a photo on Telegram in June showing him with two men in Russian army uniforms, whom he described as Moroccans named Saeed and Mahmoud.

Thus, Moroccans find themselves at the heart of this international conflict, either voluntarily or compulsorily, highlighting the geopolitical and legal complexities faced by citizens with multiple nationalities in times of war.

About محمد الفاسي