The world mourns the death of Princess Lalla Latifa: International tribute to her legacy and national role

The Kingdom of Morocco is experiencing an outpouring of condolences from around the world following the announcement of the death of Princess Lalla Latifa Amazoun, the mother of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. Many world leaders and dignitaries have expressed their deep sadness at the passing of this exceptional figure.

Official telegrams and messages from various countries paid tribute to the pivotal role the late Princess played in promoting traditional values in Morocco. Leaders also praised her tireless efforts in maintaining the cohesion of the royal family and solidifying its place in the hearts of the Moroccan people.

International commentary was unanimous that Princess Lalla Latifa was a unique example of sacrifice and loyalty, dedicating her life to serving her country and her family. Mourners emphasised that the Princess’s legacy will remain immortal in the memory of Moroccans and all those who knew her or were touched by her generosity.

Official delegations from various countries are expected to arrive in the coming days to participate in the mourning ceremony and pay their respects to the royal family and the Moroccan people.

This broad international sympathy reflects the prestigious position that Princess Lalla Latifa enjoyed, not only within Morocco, but also internationally. It also emphasises the depth of relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and various countries of the world.

In these sad circumstances, Moroccans recall with pride the late Princess Lalla Latifa’s exploits and her contributions to building a modern Morocco that upholds its authentic values and traditions. Her name will remain etched in the annals of history as a symbol of generosity and dedication to the service of the nation.

From the website: Fez News

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