Morocco bids farewell to Princess Lalla Latifa: Royal family icon passes away

On Saturday, 29 June 2024, the Kingdom of Morocco mourned the passing of Princess Lalla Latifa Amazoun, mother of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, after a long illness. The Princess passed away, leaving behind a great legacy of noble values and authentic traditions.

In August 2022, the princess fell ill and had to be transferred to a hospital in France for treatment. His Majesty King Mohammed VI was keen to visit his mother and check on her health, in a gesture that reflected the depth of the relationship between mother and son.

The passing of Princess Lalla Latifa is a great loss to the Kingdom of Morocco, as she was a prominent symbol of the royal family and its strong values. Throughout her life, she was known for her wisdom and her pivotal role in maintaining the cohesion of the royal family and promoting its values.

On this tragic occasion, the Moroccan people extend their deepest condolences to the royal family, praying to God Almighty to have mercy on the deceased and to grant the members of the royal family and the Moroccan people patience and solace.

An official memorial service is expected to be held in the coming days, where members of the royal family and senior state officials will gather to honour her memory and celebrate her life of generosity and sacrifice.

Princess Lalla Latifa’s name will remain etched in the memory of Moroccans as a symbol of authenticity and loyalty, and her exploits will remain a testament to her great role in the modern history of the Kingdom of Morocco.

From the website: Fez News

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