1.6 tons of hashish thwarted thanks to Morocco-Spain security cooperation

Morocco: Spanish security authorities succeeded in thwarting an attempt to smuggle a large quantity of hashish, thanks to accurate intelligence provided by Morocco.

Spanish media sources reported that the Spanish Civil Guard, in coordination with Morocco’s General Directorate of National Surveillance, managed to intercept a rubber boat carrying 1,610 kilograms of hashish, distributed in 46 shipments, west of Fuerteventura Island in the Canary Islands.

This quality operation comes within the framework of the close security cooperation between Morocco and Spain, which aims to combat the phenomenon of drug smuggling and cross-border organised crime.

The operation is a major blow to drug smuggling gangs and confirms the determination of Morocco and Spain to tackle this dangerous phenomenon that threatens the security and stability of both countries.

Fruitful co-operation:

This security achievement reflects the success of the fruitful security cooperation between Morocco and Spain, which contributes significantly to strengthening security in the region and combating organised crime.

The exchange of intelligence information and the coordination of security efforts between the two countries are among the most important factors that contribute to thwarting drug smuggling and organised crime.

A firm commitment:

This achievement underscores Morocco and Spain’s firm commitment to combating drug trafficking and organised crime, and promoting security and stability in the region.

The security authorities in both countries continue their ongoing efforts to combat this dangerous phenomenon by strengthening security cooperation, intelligence sharing and coordination of efforts at various levels.

From the website: Fez News

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