A documentary directed by Hammouchi’s heroes showcases the Kingdom’s legend of the Hawz and Agadir earthquakes + (video)

As part of the “Open Doors Days” organized by the General Directorate of National Security in the city of Agadir, a documentary film directed by the Heroes of Hammouchi, entitled “The Legend of the Kingdom: The earthquake in Al-Houz and the earthquake in Agadir”.

The film was co-directed by a number of national security men who lived through the Al-Houz earthquake and the Agadir earthquake, and were able to convey their experiences and feelings to the audience with sincerity and sincerity.

The film tells the story of the resilience and sacrifice of the Moroccan people in the face of the Al-Houz and Agadir earthquakes, and highlights the heroic role played by national security personnel in rescue and relief operations.

The film includes live footage from the Al Haouz earthquake and the Agadir earthquake, collected from the archives of the General Directorate of National Security and other sources, and includes testimonies from some of the survivors of the two disasters, as well as national security personnel who participated in the rescue and relief operations.

Source : Fes News Media

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