Warning of Thunderstorms and Hail in Several Regions of Morocco

The General Directorate of Meteorology in the Kingdom of Morocco issued a warning today, Tuesday, of severe weather phenomena expected in several regions. According to the orange level alert bulletin, thunderstorms accompanied by hail and strong wind gusts are expected to hit wide areas of the country.

The Directorate explained that these weather phenomena will bring rainfall ranging from 25 to 30 mm, starting from 1:00 PM and continuing until 11:00 PM. The following table illustrates the details of the warning:

Weather Warning Table

Warning LevelOrange
Expected PhenomenaThunderstorms, Hail, Strong Wind Gusts
Rainfall Amount25 to 30 mm
TimingFrom 1:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Affected AreasTaza, Guercif, Sefrou, Taounate, Ifrane, Boulemane, Figuig

export default WeatherWarningTable;

The table above details the weather warning issued by the General Directorate of Meteorology.

The affected areas include the provinces and prefectures of Taza, Guercif, Sefrou, Taounate, Ifrane, Boulemane, and Figuig.

The Directorate called on citizens in these areas to exercise caution and be vigilant during this period, given the severity of the expected weather phenomena and the possibility of disruptions to traffic and other daily activities.

It should be noted that the issuance of an orange level warning indicates a moderate risk, which calls for vigilance and necessary precautions to be taken by both the population and local authorities.

About محمد الفاسي