Princess Lalla Latifa: A career full of challenges and achievements in the service of the Moroccan royal family

The life of Princess Lalla Latifa Amahzoun was a unique model of sacrifice and commitment in the service of the Moroccan royal family.

The Princess played a pivotal role in raising her children, led by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, instilling in them noble values and lofty principles. She also contributed greatly to the welfare of the royal family, earning her a prominent and respected position inside and outside the royal court.

Following the death of His Majesty King Hassan II in 1999, Princess Lalla Latifa made the decision to move to France. Despite living abroad, she maintained a strong connection to Morocco through regular visits to the country.

In 2019, the Princess made the important decision to return and settle permanently in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. This decision reflects her deep attachment to her homeland and her eagerness to spend her final years in the arms of her motherland.

Princess Lalla Latifa’s story remains an inspiration for future generations, as she embodies the values of loyalty, commitment and resilience in the face of challenges. Her role in maintaining the stability and cohesion of the royal family is a major contribution to the modern history of the Kingdom of Morocco.

From the website: Fez News

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