Royal Gendarmerie in Taounate leads massive crackdown on hard drug traffickers, arrests several suspects

Taounate – As part of the intensive efforts to combat drug trafficking, the Royal Gendarmerie of Taounate carried out large-scale campaigns to crack down on hard drug dealers in the region. The raids resulted in the arrest of several wanted persons.

Informed sources confirmed that the Royal Gendarmerie carried out meticulous raids targeting drug traffickers’ dens, which led to the seizure of large quantities of hard drugs and the arrest of a number of individuals involved in these illegal activities.

The operations were centred on areas considered to be hotbeds of drug trafficking, where networks active in smuggling and distributing hard drugs were targeted, the sources said. Several wanted individuals were arrested, including those who were wanted under arrest warrants issued by the judicial authorities.

These campaigns reflect the commitment of the Royal Gendarmerie of Taounate to combat drug trafficking and minimise its negative impact on society. They are part of a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing security and stability in the region by eliminating criminal activities linked to drug trafficking.

The local authorities confirmed the continuation of these campaigns and the intensification of efforts to pursue all those involved in the drug trade, while emphasising the importance of cooperation between the various security agencies and citizens to achieve these goals.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي