The Bouhouda Community Council / Taounate Province unanimously approved the agenda for the May 2024 session

About the Council:

The Bouhouda Collective Council held its regular session for the month of May 2024 on Thursday, May 2, in a unique session that began at ten in the morning and extended until about three o’clock in the afternoon, in the meeting room at the group’s headquarters.

The work of this session was chaired by Mr. Abdul Latif Al-Fuwaiqer, Chairman of the Community Council, in the presence of the District Commander, gentlemen and ladies, members and members of the Bouhouda Community Council, and the administrative and financial frameworks. In the presence of a group of association representatives and a number of residents.

Mr. President Abdul Latif Al-Fuwaiqer began with a welcoming speech to the representatives of the external interests from the education sector and the water sector, who committed to attend to enlighten the members of the Council about the questions, inquiries, aspirations and expectations of the residents. He also praised the efforts made by the representatives of the residents in the Council for their sacrifices and efforts made and their constant presence in the service of the public interest in the region, with pride. The role of the group’s administrative and technical frameworks for their dedication and keeping up with developments and tracking open projects and workshops in the region. And after the speech of the representative of the region’s worker, Commander Bouhouda, through which he praised the cohesion and harmony of the group’s performance as president, office, council and management, and the roles they play as a contribution to the gradual response to the aspirations and expectations. population, and development of the region.

Before starting to present the points of the session’s agenda, Mr. President enlightened the Council by taking note of a group of meetings, meetings, sessions and consultations, nationally, regionally, regionally and locally, in tracking the files and projects programmed, or under completion, or which the Council is advocating.

Then, Mr. President presented the points included in the session’s agenda.

The session’s activities were characterized by an extensive discussion of the two presentations made by the representative of the Regional Agency for Water and Electricity Distribution, the Water Sector, and the representative of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Sports and Primary Education. The council members received convincing answers to the residents’ questions through the interventions of their representatives and the interactions of the representatives of the two departments by responding to every inquiry or question of each member.

The session was marked by the approval of all points of the agenda by unanimous consent of those present.

Before concluding, the President of the Council expressed his great satisfaction with the atmosphere that witnessed the session’s work, the spirit of harmony and the sense of the gravity of responsibility, and the awareness of all components of the Council that they embody on the ground, and with the concerted efforts to achieve the desired social and economic development and in accordance with what is stipulated in the draft development program for the territorial community of Bouhouda.

In conclusion, the Clerk of the Council, Abdelhak Touzani, read out the telegram of loyalty and sincerity sent by Mr. President Abdel Latif Al-Fuwaiqer, on his own behalf and on behalf of the members of the Council and the residents of Bouhouda, to the Most High, in God, His Majesty, Maulana Muhammad VI, may God grant him victory and support.

From: Fez News website

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