The National Social Security Fund (CNSS) has issued a statement warning all its contributors against people who have contacted a number of citizens, impersonating CNSS representatives and demanding their banking information.
To protect its contributors, the CNSS emphasized in its statement that it alerts them to the danger of providing personal data and information to untrustworthy third parties, which may be used as a tool for fraud and misuse of their personal data for suspicious purposes.
In the same context, the CNSS stressed that it will follow up on and take all necessary legal actions against anyone proven to be involved in this process.
Accordingly, the CNSS urges all its contributors to verify the authenticity of any news related to it or its relationship with them, by following its official website and its official pages on social media platforms.
This warning comes as part of the CNSS’s efforts to protect its contributors from fraud and scams aimed at illegally obtaining their personal and banking information.