Spread of Stray Dogs in Bani Walid Poses Threat to Residents’ Lives: A Vicious Attack on a Student Raises Concerns and Calls for Urgent Intervention

According to various local sources, the town of Bani Walid in the Taounate province is facing a widespread issue of stray dogs, which has become a real threat to the safety of the residents.

These sources confirm that the sudden attacks by groups of dogs on neighborhoods and streets have instilled fear and anxiety among the citizens, especially with the noticeable increase in incidents in recent times.

Recently, a student in the area was viciously attacked by a pack of stray dogs while on her way to school. The student was taken by surprise as the dogs surrounded her and began biting her body, causing severe injuries that required her to be rushed to the emergency department for first aid.

This incident has raised concerns about the growing phenomenon that particularly threatens children and residents in general. In response, the local population is urging relevant authorities to intervene quickly to reduce these attacks and implement preventive measures.

Residents and local associations are calling for immediate action from the concerned authorities to address this escalating danger. They are demanding decisive preventive measures, such as collecting and relocating the dogs to designated safe areas to protect individuals, especially in residential areas where the phenomenon is on the rise.

Source: Fes News Media

About Mansouri abdelkader