Environmental Crisis in Bourd …Waste Dumped into Asfalo Dam River

While recent rainfall has brought relief to Moroccans by replenishing groundwater and reviving nature, local sources have revealed a serious environmental crisis in the Bourd commune, Taza province. According to Fes News, a river that feeds into Asfalo Dam has turned into an illegal dumping ground for waste, with no serious intervention from the responsible authorities.

A well-informed source confirmed that the commune suffers from severe waste management deficiencies, as the riverbed is being used daily for dumping various types of waste, including toxic and medical waste. Garbage trucks have reportedly been unloading their loads directly into the river, leading to massive waste accumulation that is carried by water flow toward Asfalo Dam, a key source of drinking water for the region.

This alarming situation has raised serious concerns among local residents, who fear the devastating impact of this environmental disaster on public health and water resources. Their concerns are even more pressing given Morocco’s ongoing water scarcity crisis, exacerbated by years of drought. This issue directly contradicts the royal directives emphasizing water security, resource conservation, and pollution prevention.

Despite the gravity of the situation, no official measures have been taken to address the crisis, raising critical questions about the role of responsible authorities in safeguarding natural resources and ensuring access to clean and safe water.

source : fesnews media

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