Taza authorities tighten market controls ahead of Ramadan The campaign against speculation and monopolization is ongoing +(Photos)

The regional authorities in Taza, under the guidance of regional governor Mustapha Maaza, have launched an intensive campaign to monitor markets in preparation for the holy month of Ramadan. The campaign, which began on Tuesday, includes field tours by the regional mixed control committee to monitor the supply situation at various wholesale and retail points and ensure the availability of basic items most consumed during the holy month of Ramadan.

According to available information, these tours focus on checking the quality, safety and validity of products, as well as monitoring the extent to which traders adhere to the prices set for rationed and subsidized items, and ensuring that prices are clearly displayed.

This measure comes in the context of the local authorities’ keenness to protect consumers and enhance their purchasing power by confronting illegal practices such as monopoly, speculation and cheating, in addition to limiting the number of intermediaries that may cause unjustified price increases.

According to identical sources, this campaign is part of a year-long monitoring program that aims to ensure the regular supply of markets in coordination with various sectors and institutions concerned, and to monitor any imbalances that may affect the transparency of commercial transactions or distribution routes, while working to address them effectively.

The same sources also stressed the importance of educating traders and consumers about adopting responsible business practices that contribute to the stability of markets and protect the rights of all, especially as Ramadan approaches, which witnesses an increase in demand for many food products.

Source : Fes News Media

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