Today. Moroccan workers go on a national general strike to protest the policies of the Akhannouch government + (Document)

Today, Wednesday, February 5, 2025, various professional sectors in Morocco will witness a national general strike called by the National Union of Workers in Morocco, to express its rejection of government policies that it considers “unfair” to Moroccan workers.

This strike comes in response to a set of factors that the National Union of Labor in Morocco considers a threat to the rights and gains of working people, most notably

❖ Restrictions on the right to strike: The union strongly objects to the government’s attempts to restrict the right to strike, which is a constitutional right guaranteed by national laws and international conventions. It considers that this step aims to weaken the ability of workers to defend their rights and legitimate demands.

❖ The draft strike law: The union rejects the passage of draft organizational law 97.15 on determining the terms and conditions for the exercise of the right to strike, stressing that its current formulation shackles this right and reduces the margin of workers’ freedom to protest, making it a tool of control instead of ensuring the fair exercise of this right.

❖ Absence of real social dialogue: The union criticizes the government’s reliance on its parliamentary majority to pass laws instead of organizing a participatory dialogue with various social actors, and accuses it of reneging on its commitments signed in the agreements of April 30, 2022 and April 30, 2024, which discredits the social dialogue and weakens trust between the government and working people.

❖ Deteriorating socio-economic situation: Morocco is witnessing skyrocketing prices, collapsing purchasing power, rising unemployment rates, and the deterioration of the economic fabric, which further aggravates the social situation of Moroccan workers and families, in the absence of real government measures to address these conditions.

❖ The project to merge CNOPS into CNSS: The union rejects the decision to merge the National Fund for Social Reserve Organizations (CNOPS) into the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), warning of its potential repercussions on the rights of the insured and the level of health services provided to them.

❖ Ambiguity over pension reform: The union raises concerns about the lack of clarity of the government’s plan to reform the pension systems, warning against any measures that may negatively affect the rights of retirees, especially in light of the lack of involvement of the social partners in this sensitive file.

Source : Fez News Media

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