In its deep commitment to improving the daily lives of its residents, the Wadi Ifrane Municipal Council in the Ifrane region is striving to provide practical and effective solutions to the challenges faced by citizens in various sectors. In this context, the council has been implementing strategic projects aimed at meeting the population’s needs sustainably, through the provision of essential services that align with the citizens’ aspirations and contribute to improving their quality of life.
One of the most prominent initiatives is the provision of clean drinking water, which is a priority for the council in light of the water challenges faced by some areas within the municipality. To address this, a water tanker truck and plastic tanks were purchased to distribute water to residents in areas experiencing severe water shortages.
This initiative aims to alleviate the daily struggles of citizens while awaiting the completion of technical studies for the project to extend clean drinking water to the Aswal area, which will be connected to the Zaouia Wadi Ifrane springs. The municipality has allocated 2 million dirhams to implement this ambitious project, which will enhance the region’s water network and ensure the sustainability of water supply.
Additionally, the municipal council has provided a vehicle for transporting the deceased, a project that reflects its commitment to providing social services that consider citizens’ needs during times of distress. The council has also equipped a meeting hall at the municipal headquarters to serve as an appropriate space for organizing meetings and events, contributing to enhancing communication between citizens and the council and facilitating discussions on various developmental issues.
source : fesnews media