Falling electrical poles and wires pose a danger to residents and children in the Dahr Khashab community of Tawunet (Alaou officials?)

The inhabitants of the Dahr Khashab roundabout in the Kalaz commune in Taounate suffer from the dangers of wooden electric poles and electrical wires that have fallen on the ground and above the roads for a long time, which portends serious consequences that may result in human casualties

According to local sources, these wooden electric poles pose a danger to its residents and threaten the safety of children in particular, and the poles have obstructed traffic.

The same residents called on the concerned authorities to intervene to reinforce some of the corroded poles and remove some wires from the paths and roads inside the villages, as well as to assume their responsibilities and do their duty to remove the damage before the unthinkable happens.

Source : Fes News Media

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