Student Marhis Heptallah breaks baccalaureate records with the highest average in the Fes Meknes region

Fez – The student Marhis Heba Allah achieved an exceptional achievement in the 2024 baccalaureate exams, scoring the highest average in the Fez Meknes region with an impressive score of 19.40 out of 20 in the physical sciences stream, French option, in the 2024 baccalaureate exams.

This unique achievement has impressed educational officials and the local community, and is a testament to the academic excellence sought by educational institutions in the region.

This remarkable success reflects the Academy’s efforts to support students and motivate them to achieve the highest academic standards.

For its part, the management of Balsamin Private Institution, where the outstanding student is studying, praised the achievement and declared its pride in the excellence of the student Marhis Hibatallah. This success is the result of her hard work and the support of her family, as well as the efforts of the institution’s educational staff.

This achievement is seen as an inspiring model for other students in the region and nationally, proving that academic excellence is possible through hard work and perseverance.

It is worth noting that this exceptional average places Marhis Hebaallah among the best students at the national level, opening up promising prospects for her academic and professional future.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي