Abdullah Bouanou Criticizes Government’s Handling of National Crises in Parliament

During a session of the House of Representatives held last Monday, and as part of the oral questions, Abdullah Bouanou, head of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) parliamentary group, delivered a sharp and firm speech directed at the government, urging it to take responsibility for the crises plaguing the country.

In his intervention, Bouanou emphasized the need for the government to act responsibly in addressing current issues, stressing that the country’s ongoing developments require greater prudence from officials. “We have said, and we continue to assert, that the government needs to be more rational because the situation demands greater wisdom in decision-making, especially considering the social and economic pressures citizens are facing,” Bounou stated.

Concerning the general strike, Bouanou expressed concern about the impact this move could have on the country’s stability, describing the announcement of the strike as a threat to national “stability.” He added that the government should focus on calming the situation rather than escalating it by initiating a real dialogue with the unions and professional bodies.

Bouanou also called on the government to listen to the demands of the unions and confederations, emphasizing the necessity of taking practical steps to meet these demands in a serious and realistic manner. “The government must open the horizon for dialogue with the unions and take responsibility in listening to their demands, especially in these current circumstances,” he said.

Moreover, Bouanou did not stop at this point, but also addressed the issue of a political ethics charter within the legislative institution. He called for the necessity of respecting roles within the parliament and avoiding any violations that could negatively affect the image of the institution. “We must have a clear ethics charter that governs the work of all members, whether in the government or in parliament, so that everyone knows the limits of their authority and their role in decision-making,” Bounou emphasized.

source : fesnews media

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