Moroccan Migrants in Europe to Fes News: “We Regret Illegal Migration… Morocco Is a Land of Opportunities”

In exclusive statements to Fes News, several Moroccans who migrated illegally to Europe expressed deep regret over their decision to embark on “haraga” (illegal migration). They admitted that they only realized Morocco’s true value after reaching the other side, where they faced unemployment, exploitation, and daily hardships.

One migrant shared his experience: “We thought Europe was paradise, but the reality is harsh. Unemployment is widespread, and even those who find work are treated with little dignity. We regret taking this path.”

Another added: “My advice to any young person thinking about illegal migration: learn a trade or a skill, work hard in your own country. Morocco has opportunities—you just need patience and effort. Europe is not what it used to be; now, there’s only hardship and humiliation here too.”

These testimonies highlight the dark side of illegal migration. Many Moroccan migrants struggle to secure stable employment and are often forced into difficult jobs with low wages, making them realize that their European dream was not as they had imagined.

Is it time to rethink illegal migration and focus on building a future in Morocco through vocational training and entrepreneurship?

About Mansouri abdelkader