Morocco’s Strong Investment Performance Highlighted by Government Spokesperson

Following the Cabinet meeting held yesterday, Government Spokesperson Mustafa Baitas presented key information on the investment landscape in Morocco, highlighting the country’s strong investment performance due to the significant reforms implemented in recent years. Baitas emphasized that Morocco has become one of the top attractive investment destinations thanks to legislative and incentive reforms aimed at accelerating national economic growth.

Baitas noted that the government expects public investment to reach 335 billion dirhams in the current year, a significant increase compared to previous years. The period between 2021 and 2024 witnessed stability and growth in investments. In 2023, two meetings of the National Investment Committee were held, during which investment projects worth 10 billion dirhams were approved. Investment projects in 2024 saw a remarkable increase, totaling 200 billion dirhams, with the goal of creating approximately 82,000 jobs.

He emphasized that these tangible results were achieved thanks to the government’s substantial efforts in reforming the legislative and regulatory framework for investment. This included the adoption of the new Investment Charter, which provides incentives for investors and contributes to simplifying administrative procedures. Additionally, the government worked to expedite the approval process for investment projects, stimulating private investments across all sectors, especially in remote areas that were previously less attractive to investors.

Baitas also discussed the significant improvement in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Morocco, which reached a record 39.6 billion dirhams between January and November 2024, reflecting growing investor confidence in the national economy.

Furthermore, he highlighted that Morocco is not only attracting investments in specific sectors like tourism but is also focusing on enhancing investments in various industrial and productive sectors, with a particular emphasis on encouraging investments in underdeveloped regions. The government has paid special attention to remote areas, recognizing their potential for large-scale tourism and industrial projects that could significantly contribute to national economic growth.

In conclusion, Baitas expressed great optimism for the future of investment in Morocco, pointing out that early indicators for the current year suggest continued positive trends in this area. He considered 2024 to be an exceptional year in terms of the investments secured, with expectations for further economic successes in the near future.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader