Government Approves Key Projects in Weather Forecasting, Aquaculture, and Traditional Industry Sectors

During a press conference following the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2025, Government Spokesperson Mustafa Baitas outlined the main projects approved by the government, focusing on critical sectors including meteorology, marine aquaculture, and traditional industry.

Baitas confirmed that the government had approved a draft decree to extend the newly introduced bonuses, under Decree No. 16-461, to include technical assistants alongside engineers, administrators, and technicians working in the National Meteorological Sector. This decision recognizes the crucial role played by this group in maintaining equipment, managing communication networks, and providing technical support for weather monitoring at both central and decentralized levels.

Additionally, the government approved Draft Decree No. 2-23-1032 concerning regional plans for the management and development of marine aquaculture. Presented by Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests, Ahmed Al-Bawari, this project aims to implement Article 11 of Law No. 21-84. The decree defines the responsibilities of the government authority in charge of fisheries for preparing and reviewing these plans, specifies the approval process, and establishes organizational mechanisms for managing marine aquaculture infrastructures, along with the required documentation for any project proposed by the National Agency for the Development of Aquaculture.

Regarding the traditional industry sector, Baitas revealed the government’s approval of a draft decree to provide compensation for the training contributions of artisans who lead training sessions at vocational training institutes and centers under the Ministry of Tourism, Traditional Industry, Social and Solidarity Economy. Minister Fatima Zahra Amour introduced the project, which aims to encourage qualified artisans to participate in training initiatives by increasing the compensation offered to them, thereby enhancing the quality of vocational training in this vital sector.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader