Moroccan Minister of Economy and Finance Reveals Details of the 2025 Finance Bill

The Moroccan Minister of Economy and Finance, Nadia Fettah, confirmed on Saturday in Rabat that the 2025 Finance Bill revolves around realistic and integrated priorities aimed at addressing various economic and social challenges.

During a joint plenary session of both chambers of Parliament dedicated to presenting the broad outlines of the bill, Fettah said: “The 2025 Finance Bill is based on the results and gains achieved during the first half of the government’s term, and in accordance with guidelines that ensure continuity, in order to continue strengthening the pillars of the social state and the national economic and financial model.”

The minister explained that the government has identified four main priorities within the framework of the 2025 Finance Bill:

  1. Continuing to strengthen the pillars of the social state
  2. Enhancing investment dynamics and job creation
  3. Continuing the implementation of structural reforms
  4. Maintaining the sustainability of public finances

Fettah pointed out that the preparation of the 2025 Finance Bill comes in a global context characterized by uncertainty, due to successive climate crises and increasing geopolitical tensions and their economic repercussions. She expected that the global growth rate would not exceed 3.2% during 2024 and 2025.

At the national level, the minister reported that the Moroccan economy is expected to record growth of 3.3% by the end of 2024, driven by the continued dynamism of the non-agricultural sector. She also anticipated that the budget deficit would decrease to about 4% in 2024, after reaching 5.4% in 2022 and 4.3% in 2023.

Fettah added that the government aims to achieve growth of 4.6% in 2025, assuming a limited inflation rate of 2%, an increase in external demand by 3.2%, and a grain harvest of 70 million quintals.

The minister emphasized that the preparation of the 2025 Finance Bill coincides with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of King Mohammed VI’s accession to the throne of his glorious ancestors, noting that the Moroccan monarch’s reign has been characterized by a comprehensive development process and the strengthening of the kingdom’s position at both continental and international levels.

In conclusion, Fettah highlighted the achievements made during the first half of the current government term, both at the social level through the generalization of social protection and accelerating health system reform, and at the economic level through implementing the Investment Charter and accelerating the approval of major investment projects.

About محمد الفاسي