New International Alliance to Implement Two-State Solution in the Middle East

In the wake of the announcement by Faisal bin Farhan, the Saudi Foreign Minister, on behalf of Arab, Islamic, and European partners, of the launch of an international coalition to implement the two-state solution in the Middle East, Anis Sweidan, Director of International Relations at the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), stated that “the establishment of this coalition, which includes, in addition to Arab and Islamic countries, many European countries that believe in the justice of the Palestinian cause, is a very important diplomatic step towards enforcing respect for the relevant international resolutions.”

Speaking to the online newspaper Hespress, the Palestinian official pointed out that “President Mahmoud Abbas had called from the platform of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly to form this coalition to apply the UN resolutions and UN Security Council resolutions related to the Palestinian issue and to hold an international conference to support the establishment of the independent Palestinian state.”

Sweidan added, “The establishment of our state undoubtedly requires the combined efforts of Arab, Islamic, and European countries, and all peace lovers in the world. We also do not forget our supporters in Asia and South America,” stressing that “there is an important international movement towards holding this international conference to implement the various international resolutions, including the latest opinion of the International Court of Justice, which affirmed the illegality of the Israeli presence in the occupied Palestinian territories.”

He continued, “The situation in the region confirms that there is no alternative to the two-state solution and the withdrawal of Israel from the territories it occupied in 1967, including the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and occupied East Jerusalem.” He added, “The Palestinian Authority, through the presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has worked to establish an international coalition to support the establishment of the Palestinian state and end the Israeli presence in the occupied territories, as all laws and resolutions oblige Israel to withdraw from our occupied territories.”

Sweidan also stated, “Our demands in this context also include a review of Israel’s membership in the United Nations, as it refuses to comply with the conditions under which it obtained this membership, which are based on accepting Resolution 181 issued by the UN General Assembly in November 1947, regarding the partition of Palestine into two states, and Resolution 194 of 1948, regarding ensuring the right of return for Palestinian refugees.”

Regarding the expected role of the Kingdom of Morocco within this announced coalition on behalf of the Arab and Islamic countries, the Director of International Relations at the PLO and Secretary-General of the International Committee for Supporting the Palestinian People emphasized that “the efforts of Morocco, under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, are very important, as the Kingdom is a central and influential country in the African continent and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.”

He added, “Rabat has strong strategic relations with the United States and the European Union, and it has very distinguished relations with the Palestinian leadership. It also maintains diplomatic relations with Israel. Therefore, we expect and rely on the Moroccan role to be influential and important in rallying international support for implementing the two-state solution from within this new coalition towards the establishment of the independent Palestinian state.”

Summary Table: Key Points of the New International Alliance

Key PointsDetails
AnnouncementSaudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan announced the formation of an international coalition to implement the two-state solution in the Middle East.
MembershipThe coalition includes Arab, Islamic, and European countries.
PurposeTo enforce respect for relevant international resolutions and support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
President Abbas’ CallPresident Mahmoud Abbas called for the formation of this coalition during the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.
International SupportThe coalition aims to rally support from Arab, Islamic, European, Asian, and South American countries.
Legal BasisThe coalition will work towards implementing UN resolutions, including the International Court of Justice’s opinion on the illegality of Israeli presence in occupied Palestinian territories.
Palestinian DemandsIncludes reviewing Israel’s membership in the UN based on Resolution 181 (1947) and Resolution 194 (1948).
Morocco’s RoleMorocco, under King Mohammed VI, is expected to play a crucial role in rallying international support due to its strategic relations with the US, EU, and Israel.

List of International Resolutions Supporting the Palestinian Cause

  1. UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947) – Partition of Palestine into two states.
  2. UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (1948) – Right of return for Palestinian refugees.
  3. International Court of Justice Opinion (2004) – Illegality of the Israeli presence in occupied Palestinian territories.

This new international coalition marks a significant diplomatic push towards resolving the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

About محمد الفاسي