Correspondence from the Royal Moroccan Football Federation Requests General Assembly for Fez-Meknes League

The Royal Moroccan Football Federation issued an official correspondence dated June 24, 2024, addressed to the President of the Fez-Meknes Regional League. This correspondence pertains to a request for holding the League’s General Assembly before the start of the new sports season.

The text of the correspondence states that this request comes within the framework of holding general assemblies for regional leagues, based on Law 09/30 related to physical education and sports, as well as the basic laws of the leagues. The letter referred to Articles 18 and 21 of the mentioned law, which stipulate the necessity of holding general assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, before the start of the sports season in line with the beginning of football competition.

The Federation requested the League President to call for the General Assembly of the Fez-Meknes League before August 30, 2024, in accordance with the current laws. It also requested notification of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation of this matter so that it can send its electoral committee to attend this electoral event.

The correspondence concluded by emphasizing that the Federation awaits the organizational measures the League will take for holding the aforementioned General Assembly.

This correspondence reflects the Royal Moroccan Football Federation’s keenness to organize regional football structures and ensure their operation according to the legal frameworks in place, in preparation for the upcoming sports season.

About محمد الفاسي