Sharp Rise in Basic Food Prices Under Akhannouch’s Government

Moroccan markets have witnessed a significant increase in the prices of basic foodstuffs during the tenure of Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch, according to a report published by the Moroccan magazine “Tel Quel.”

Data collected from markets and supermarkets in Casablanca showed sharp increases in the prices of many essential consumer goods, with some items recording a 100% increase.

The following table illustrates the details of price increases for key food items:

Food ItemPercentage Increase
Olive Oil100%
Table Oil42%
Dried Beans33%

These substantial increases in the prices of basic foodstuffs raise serious concerns about their impact on the purchasing power of Moroccan citizens, especially those with limited incomes. This rise comes amid global and regional economic challenges, putting additional pressure on the government to take urgent measures to control prices and support citizens.

It is expected that these figures will spark a wide-ranging debate about the government’s economic policies and its ability to deal with the challenges of rising prices and secure basic needs for citizens at reasonable prices.

About محمد الفاسي