Educational Administrators’ Union Warns of Ministry’s Retreat on Commitments

Rabat, July 21, 2024 – The Educational Administrators’ Union issued a statement warning of the dangerous regressions affecting this group’s file, holding the Ministry of National Education responsible for the consequences of its exclusionary policies.

The statement, issued by the union’s national office, praised the tremendous efforts made by educational administrators to ensure the success of the 2023-2024 academic year despite exceptional circumstances, commending their diligent work in preparing for the upcoming school year.

The statement called on the ministry to implement several demands, most notably:

  • Expediting the file of exemption holders
  • Canceling the demeaning declaration for all educational administrators who are graduates of various tracks
  • Accelerating the issuance of the transfer memo for general supervisors and principals
  • Opening movement between educational corps overseen by basic training
  • Preserving the right of educational administrators who are graduates of regional centers to be promoted by selection for 2023 and beyond
  • Revealing the fate of 84 positions from the 2022 promotion by selection quota

The statement also rejected any “pension reform” targeting the rights of employees, and any law that restricts or confiscates the constitutional right to strike.

In conclusion, the union affirmed its readiness to engage in all legitimate forms of struggle to defend the rights and demands of educational administrators, calling on all administrators to unite and rally around their steadfast union.

About محمد الفاسي