Agricultural projects in Taounate threatened with collapse : Farmers demand an urgent investigation and hold the Minister of Agriculture responsible

In an open letter to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, elected officials and civil activists in Taounate demanded an urgent investigation into the dysfunctions of major agricultural projects in the city.

The letter accuses some elected and administrative officials of greed and indifference, which led to the abortion of these projects that would have achieved sustainable development in the region.

The letter points out that the Taounate irrigation project, both the Sahla dam and the Bouhouda irrigation project, have been definitively scuttled.

The Sahla irrigation project was looted and misappropriated by handing it over to a company that left the project unfinished, and an entire project related to the Taounate milk project was looted and destroyed.

As for the Bouhouda Dam project, it has been seriously damaged and has become a nightmare for the farmer involved in the project, as the project is exposed to daily explosions and water interruptions.

The Taounati farmer holds the minister fully responsible for the loss of his right and calls on him to intervene urgently in order to provide him with justice.

Therefore, the elected officials and civic actors in Taounate call for a serious and immediate investigation by the Ministry of Agriculture to determine responsibilities and hold those involved accountable.

The text of the letter as received by Fez News:
To His Excellency Mr. Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development

Peace be upon you.
Within the framework of activating the monitoring role granted by the Moroccan Constitution to the elected representatives to follow up on local issues in implementation of the major directions of the new development model called for by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, and in line with the government program, which included a complete vision to achieve sustainable development in all cities of Morocco, I have the honor to submit to your honorable side the grievances of the Taounate farmer about the imbalances in most major agricultural projects in the city, which have been aborted due to the greed and indifference of the political, economic, social and environmental elite, which threatens a development disaster for all of us.
Mr. Minister, as for the irrigation project in Taounate, both the Sahla dam irrigation project and the Bouhouda irrigation project have been definitively thwarted, as the Sahla irrigation project was looted and embezzled by handing over this project to a company that left the project incomplete, in addition to the looting and destruction of an entire project related to the As for the Bouhouda Dam project, which you oversaw the handover of, and I wish you had not, it was seriously destroyed, as it has recently become a nightmare in the life of the farmer concerned with the project, every day an explosion, every day an interruption, and now here is a project with no result.
Mr. Minister, the Tunisian farmer holds you fully responsible for the loss of his right and asks you to intervene urgently in order to provide him with redress.

For this reason, we ask you to kindly open a serious and immediate investigation by your ministry to determine responsibilities in order to save Taounate region from the greed of elected and administrative officials and to put the development train on its tracks.
Please accept, Mr. Minister, the highest feelings of appreciation, respect and peace.

Mr. Toudi Jamal is a collective member of the Arghioua community of Taounate.

Source : Fes News Media

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