Interior Ministry urges effective coordination between governors, workers and planning delegation in the implementation of the general census

As part of the preparations for the organization of the 2024 General Population and Housing Census, a meeting was held on Thursday at the Ministry of Interior, chaired by the Minister of Interior and the High Commissioner for Planning, to review the ongoing preparations for this major national event, which comes within the framework of the royal directives related to the implementation of the next general census.

The royal message, sent by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, set September as the date for this census, emphasizing the importance of collecting accurate and reliable data to serve various national and international stakeholders.

The meeting reviewed the royal directives related to the development of methodologies and the use of advanced technology in the collection and processing of information, in addition to expanding the scope of research to include current and important topics that affect the lives of citizens and foreign communities residing in Morocco.

In this context, the meeting emphasized the importance of effective coordination between the Ministry of Interior and the High Commission for Planning, as well as with all government sectors in following up on all preparatory and procedural stages of the census, as well as the essential role of governors and workers, along with elected councils and decentralized departments of ministries, in providing logistical and human support and determining how they will contribute to the census.

As for the current preparations, the efforts of the High Commission for Planning are directed towards equipping and training the necessary human resources, as well as selecting the field staff responsible for collecting information from households and supervising the census operations, and preparing to organize a training course for these staff members during the coming July and August, with a view to compiling and exploiting the data through the technological means adopted by the High Commission for Planning to carry out this major national operation.

His Majesty the King hopes that this census will be creative and effective, contributing to building an integrated societal project that promotes comprehensive development and progress in various political, economic and social fields.

The royal call for citizens to actively participate in this process reflects the desire to enhance community participation and contribute to building a bright future for the Kingdom.

It is worth noting that the next phase will witness the completion of the necessary preparations and measures for the success of this major national entitlement, and coordination and cooperation between all concerned parties will remain the cornerstone of achieving this strategic national goal.

Source : Fez News Media

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