الشرطة القضائية تُحَقِّقْ في تعذيب أم لطفلتها القاصر وتعريضها للحرق .. وتُوقف شخص من معارف الأم عرّض الطفلة للتحرش
الشرطة القضائية تُحَقِّقْ في تعذيب أم لطفلتها القاصر وتعريضها للحرق .. وتُوقف شخص من معارف الأم عرّض الطفلة للتحرش

Moroccan police arrest suspect in human trafficking case

Rabat, June 15, 2024 – A suspect involved in a human trafficking network that targeted Moroccan citizens in Myanmar has been arrested and brought before the Casablanca prosecutor’s office, a security source said on Saturday.

The National Brigade of the Judicial Police (BNPJ) is gradually unraveling the case of Moroccan citizens who were kidnapped by criminal networks specializing in human trafficking and cybercrime in Southeast Asian countries, particularly Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia, in the border areas with Thailand.

As soon as the Prosecutor General of the King at the Casablanca Court of Appeal entrusted the judicial investigation to the BNPJ in mid-May, the latter began to determine the ramifications and possible links of this network at the national level.

Indeed, the BNPJ brought before the competent prosecutor’s office in Casablanca, at the beginning of the week, a 23-year-old individual, suspected of being involved in an international criminal network active in human trafficking, kidnapping, sequestration and ransom.

“The information from the investigation indicates that the suspect is linked to a criminal network operating in Asia, having played the role of intermediary to attract several victims under the cover of working as a translator for a Thai company,” said the same source.

According to the source, these victims would then have been captured by this criminal network under the threat of firearms, deprived of their passports, subjected to degrading treatment and forced to work in a forced manner in the field of online scam.

“The suspect was arrested following the results of the investigation carried out after the release of a group of victims of this criminal network,” the same source explained.

The investigation revealed his involvement alongside other facilitators whose identities have been established and who are outside Morocco, thus facilitating the perpetration of this criminal activity, the same source added.

The technical expertise currently being carried out by the National Institute of Forensic Science and Criminal Evidence on two laptops and a phone seized from the suspect should reveal digital traces documenting this criminal activity.

The suspect is currently in police custody under the supervision of the judicial investigation, in order to determine all the criminal offenses attributed to him, before being presented to the competent prosecutor’s office which has decided to prosecute him in a state of arrest.

About محمد الفاسي