Legujaa debunks RAMED beneficiaries’ figures and emphasizes that “we are not alone and our government has universalized health coverage under the King’s supervision” + (video)

The current government did not exclude anyone from the RAMED system during the transition to the Amou Tadamoun system, according to Faouzi Lekjaa, Minister of Budget, in a meeting organized by the majority presidency of the House of Representatives.

During the meeting, held under the theme “Sustainability of public finances for the implementation of the social protection workshop,” Lakjaa explained that the number of beneficiaries of the RAMED medical assistance program has never been 18 million, but rather 18 million is the cumulative number of beneficiaries from the universalization of the RAMED system in 2012 until 2022, including those who lost their eligibility to benefit from this system.

The minister provided data showing the evolution of the number of beneficiaries of RAMED as follows:

Cumulative number of registrations:
2012: 2,648,208 beneficiaries
2022: 18,714,100
Number of actual beneficiaries:
2012: 940,674 beneficiaries
2022: 10,695,969 beneficiaries
Laggaa noted that the transition to Amou Tadamoun is gradual, and that the government is working to ensure that all those who are eligible have access to the necessary health coverage.

The minister also emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring the sustainability of public finances, while continuing to implement social protection workshops, including universal health coverage for all citizens.

Source : Fes News Media

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