A new nail in the coffin of mercenaries after this European Parliament expressed its support for Moroccan territorial integrity

In the presence of a number of representatives, a meeting was held today, Wednesday, in the British Parliament to discuss the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, highlighting the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco and the need for the United Kingdom to support this initiative.

The meeting, which was organized by the Moroccan Embassy in London in cooperation with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Morocco, highlighted the continuous development witnessed by the southern regions of the Kingdom in light of the enlightened vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. This development has led to various economic and social opportunities.

Many of the parliamentarians and experts present stressed the security and defense challenges emerging in an unstable global geopolitical context. They stressed the importance of quickly addressing these challenges by strengthening partnerships with the UK’s traditional allies.

Conservative MP Liam Fox expressed support from the UK’s main allies, including France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and the United States, for the Moroccan autonomy plan. He stressed the importance of strengthening this proposal, especially in the face of global security threats.

Supporting the Moroccan autonomy plan is considered a solution to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Tindouf camps, which have become fertile ground for terrorists and illegal immigration networks. Recent vulnerabilities in sea routes underscore the need to secure the Atlantic coast.

The construction of major container ports in Dakhla and Tangier is expected to have a major economic impact on the entire coastal region. Improving the economic conditions of countries in the region is seen as a way to reduce security risks.

Representative Daniel Kawczynski praised Morocco as a model for women’s rights, religious tolerance, the rule of law and democracy. The country’s legal position is due to the historical and legal ties between Morocco and the Sahara.

From: Fez News website

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