Tata Province: Development Projects Worth 121 Million Dirhams to Enhance Integrated Development in Tissent Commune

In implementation of the High Royal Directives to pay attention to and develop rural areas, and within the framework of the National Program for Integrated Development of Emerging Rural Centers, the headquarters of the Tissent Territorial Commune witnessed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, a communication meeting chaired by the Governor of Tata Province, Salah Eddine Amal, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the Province, the President of the Tata Provincial Council, the President of the Tissent Communal Council, the Regional Inspector of Urban Planning, Architecture, and National Land Use Planning for the Souss-Massa Region, the General Manager of the Souss-Massa Regional Multi-Service Company, the Heads of Decentralized Services, the Heads of Divisions in the Province, and civil society organizations.

The meeting focused on reviewing the development projects that the Tissent Commune will benefit from as one of the emerging centers in the province, which aim to strengthen infrastructure, urban development and rehabilitation of under-equipped neighborhoods, economic development, improve the living environment and public facilities, and protect the environment and sustainable development.

The total cost of these projects amounts to approximately 97 million dirhams, funded within the framework of a partnership agreement between the Ministry of National Land Use Planning, Urban Planning, Housing, and Urban Policy, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Souss-Massa Regional Council, the Al Omrane Souss-Massa Company, and the Tissent Territorial Commune.

A presentation was also made on the liquid sanitation project for the center, at a cost of 24.7 million dirhams, which will be carried out in partnership between the Ministry of Interior (PNAM), the Souss-Massa Region, the Provincial Council, the Tissent Territorial Commune, and the Souss-Massa Regional Multi-Service Company.

In addition, participants reviewed the most important completed and ongoing projects within the development programs, such as the Rural Development Priorities Program, including the rehabilitation of the weekly market in the commune at a cost of 6 million dirhams and an area of 8400 square meters, funded by the Ministry of Interior, the Provincial Council, and the Tissent Territorial Commune.

As part of the Spatial Disparities Reduction Program, projects worth 28 million dirhams were completed, including the construction of the road leading to “Douar Tenzidha”, the construction of the ring road in Douar Al-Qasbah, the expansion of some rooms and the boarding section at Al-Amal High School, and the expansion of the electricity network for a number of Douars (villages).

In conclusion, the Governor of Tata Province emphasized the importance of these projects in strengthening infrastructure and improving the quality of life for the residents of Tissent, noting that they are in line with the Royal Directives for the development of rural areas and the promotion of sustainable development. He called on all partners to join forces to ensure the optimal implementation of the projects and achieve the desired goals.

This meeting and the announced programs and projects reflect the growing interest in the development of rural areas in Morocco and the pursuit of comprehensive and sustainable development that contributes to improving the living conditions of local residents.

About محمد الفاسي