A Significant Step Towards Enhancing Judicial Independence: Minister Mustapha Baitas Presents Amendments to the Financial Courts Code

In a pivotal move aimed at bolstering judicial independence and enhancing financial justice, Mr. Mustapha Baitas, Minister of Relations with Parliament and Civil Society, presented Bill No. 55.24 before the House of Representatives. This bill seeks to amend and supplement Law No. 62.99 on the Financial Courts Code. The presentation, which took place on January 13, 2024, was attended by several parliamentarians and stakeholders in the judicial sector. During the session, the minister emphasized the importance of the bill in improving the performance of financial courts and ensuring greater equality among their judges.

The bill introduces a substantial structural change to the judicial framework of financial courts through the creation of a new grade called the “Exceptional Grade,” available to financial court judges retroactively from March 23, 2023. This involves amendments to Articles 165 and 12 of Law No. 62.99, enabling judges with a minimum of five years of experience in the Superior Grade to qualify for promotion to the Exceptional Grade.

Minister Baitas explained that the primary aim of this initiative is to expand promotion opportunities within financial courts. He pointed out that many judges currently see their professional advancement stagnate at the Superior Grade by the age of 45, despite the retirement age being 65, or even 71 in cases of extension.

Regarding the rationale behind this reform, Minister Baitas highlighted the need to ensure equality between financial court judges and those in the general judicial system. He noted that judges in the general judicial system have been benefiting from the Exceptional Grade since March 23, 2023, as stipulated by Organic Law No. 14.22, which amends and supplements Organic Law No. 106.13 governing the status of judges.

According to Minister Baitas, this reform reflects the government’s commitment to advancing the judicial system and enhancing its efficiency. Furthermore, it acknowledges the significant contributions of financial court judges in fulfilling their professional duties and promotes equal opportunities among judges across all specializations.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader