Olive Price Fluctuations in the Fez-Meknes Region as Harvest Season Begins

Local sources from markets in the Fez-Meknes region have reported varying olive prices as the harvest season kicks off in different areas of the region. Local traders and farmers have observed notable differences in prices and quality among different areas.

In the Ethnin Dalouja market in Taounate province, olive prices ranged between 8 and 15 dirhams per kilogram, depending on quality. The olives from this area are known for their high oil yield, producing between 15 to 20 liters of oil per quintal (100 kg) of olives.

In the areas of El Qarya Ba Mohamed and Jorf El Melha, some varieties recorded lower productivity, with oil yield not exceeding 7 liters per quintal of olives. However, sources indicated that olive quality varies significantly between areas.

Providing more details about the Jorf El Melha area, sources explained that its olives are considered medium grade, with variations in productivity among sub-regions. Some farms produce between 12 to 15 liters of oil per quintal. A distinction was made between irrigated olives, grown in areas such as Ouergha and El Ghouazi, and rain-fed olives grown in mountainous regions like Ain Dfali, Es-Setta, and Ouannana.

In a related context, farmers from the Zghira area in Ouezzane province reported that they haven’t yet begun their olive harvest season, waiting for rainfall to improve crop quality. Farmers were optimistic about the recent rainfall, expecting an improvement in production.

It’s worth noting that these fluctuations in prices and quality reflect the geographic and climatic diversity in the Fez-Meknes region, which directly affects the production of olives and olive oil, considered one of the most important economic resources for the area.

About محمد الفاسي